Forgiveness, the path to agape


Agape, is a greek word that means unconditional love.  Forgiveness, so simple and yet so difficult at times. The reward we have when we experience forgiveness in our hearts, is to be in touch with what we really are, our essence:love. So if you doubt if this is the right time to start working on forgiveness... ask yourself: Do I want to experience love-unconditional love for myself, others, the world? If the answer is yes...don't wait, start now.

If the answer is no... just reflect on the answer, and give yourself permission to listen what your heart is telling you.

Today I want to share with you simple steps that will help you in the forgiveness process.

  • Honor Your pain, your emotional hurt, your sadness.

Reflect on this, what is the meaning? what is this telling me? what part of my belief system was violated?

  • Process the pain, express the feelings.(write a letter and then shred it, or burn it; dance; run;listen to loud music; cry)

  • Talk to someone you trust (who is willing to just listen, without giving advice),use movement to release the energy that is stuck inside of your body

  • Accept that forgiveness is a process, not an event.

  • Be willing to let it go

  • Be gentle with yourself, and acknowledge your progress

Remember forgiveness is the key to your own inner peace and freedom.